The links below have the information necessary to apply for the YWR position at the
National convention in Omaha Nebraska. The form must be submitted to by February 12th to be considered.
2025-2026 Scholarship Application Now Available
Deadline March 15, 2025
What's Your 80?
It's been exciting to see photos from the "What's Your 80?" projects your local groups have already carried out to celebrate the 80th anniversary of LWML. Please send photos and a brief description of your project not only to, but also to national LWML at For the 2023 national LWMLconvention in Milwaukee in June 2023, LWML is planning a photo montage of all "What's Your 80?" projects submitted from LWML districts! The deadline to submit pictures to National is Jan, 23, 2023.
LWML – What’s your 80?
In thanksgiving for 80 years of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, St. John’s in Chester has completed its final activity. The recipient of this activity is, again, MOST Ministries of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
MOST Ministries is a mission sending agency which provides Christians the opportunity to live out their faith by working with international missionaries and national churches, MOST Ministries is designed to foster self-sufficiency in the lives of those being served. MOST Ministries responds to field-driven request where teams have provided eyeglass clinics, clean water outreach, health and hygiene education, medical clinics and more.
To aid MOST Ministries St. John’s LWML has made Witness Bracelet. MOST team members share Gospel story with adults and children by using witness tools, one of which is the Witness bracelet. Bracelets are made with strips of leather onto which are placed seven different colored pony beads. The colors and their meanings are as follows:
Clear- God is invisible, pure and holy (Is 6:3)
Gray- We are separated from GOD by our sin (Rom 3:23)
Red – Because God loves us, He sacrificed His Son, Jesus for our sin (Rom 5:8)
White – Now God sees us as righteous, pure & forgiven of sin (Eph 1:7-8)
Blue – We are baptized into the family of God through Baptism (Gal 3:26-27)
Green – We read the Bible and pray to grow in faith and disciple others (2 Peter 3:18a)
Yellow – We receive the crow of life (Rev 2:10b)
These bracelets help bridge the language barriers and become treasured possessions. St. John has sent 138 bracelets to MOST Ministries.
This activity now concludes a year of thanksgiving for 80 years of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
"What's your 80?"
In Thanksgiving for 80 years of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, St. John’s in Chester has completed another activity.
The recipient of this activity is MOST Ministries of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
MOST ministries is a mission sending agency which provides Christians the opportunity to live out their faith. By working with
international missionaries and national churches, MOST Ministries is designed to foster self-sufficiency in the lives of those
being served. Most Ministries responds to field-driven request where teams have provided eyeglass clinics, clean water
outreach, health and hygiene education, medical clinics and more.
To aid MOST Ministries eyeglass clinics, members of St. John’s LWML sewed eyeglass cases. Bright, decorative fabric was
machine quilted, cut into squares and then sewn together to make cushioned cases. The goal was to make 80 cases,
but in the end, 105 cases were sent to MOST Ministries.
What's your 80?"
Janet Ferrero from Trinity, Nokomis LWML-SID collected 80 pieces
of jewelry and sold them at the Mite Market at the LWML-SID Convention on September 16-17. All proceeds went to mites
What's your 80?"
Lynne Ernst, Janece Neunaber and Carol Benning made 80 greeting cards and sold them at the Mite Market at the LWML-SID convention Sept 16-17, 2022.
All proceeds from the Mite Market went to fund the
Mite Grants chosen at the convention. Lynne is a
member at Trinity, Worden, IL and Janece and Carol
are members at Trinity, Harvel, IL.
What's Your 80?"
In February, 2022, Rachel Benning and her aunt Carol Benning made 80+ Valentine Thank You cards that were given to first responders in Nashville (Washington County) IL. Goody bags accompanied each card. Rachel is the wife of Pastor David Benning from Trinity, Nashville, IL (SID). Carol Benning was the VP of Organizational Resources for the LWML-SID and is a member at Trinity in Harvel, IL (SID).
"What's your 80?"
Our Savior LWML in Carbondale sponsored a food drive in
November, 2022, with the goal of 80 items. 392 items
were collected and distributed to food pantries in
Carbondale and Murphysboro.
"What's your 80?"
Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid & LWML from Harvel, IL (LWML-SID) collected donations of items and money to make 80+ Hygiene Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Each month, the congregation members were asked to donate one item towards the kits. In October any additional items needed were purchased from the monetary donations and assembled. The kits were packed and taken along
with the LWR Quilts, that the Wednesday Quilters make, to the
annual pick-up location on October 29th.
What's Your 80?
St. John's LWML in Chester is so thankful for our school and our students. To show our thankfulness we gave each student in the school, including our preschool, "Happy Thanksgiving" and Christmas pencils tied up with a candy cane. (That's more than 80.) Each bag for each classroom, as seen in the photo, included the following note to the students:
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.
We are thankful for each and every one of you. We hope these pencils will be useful in your day to day school work. We wish they would always write the correct answer, but you have to do your part too. Listen, study and do your best! And, show the world you are a child of God by your words and actions. Let the light of St. John Lutheran School shine through you!!
"What's Your 80?"
"Souper" 80 Project!
The joint LWML group from Trinity Lutheran of Conant and Zion Lutheran of Pinckneyville, decided on a "Souper 80" project for their "What's your 80?". Their goal was 80 cans of soup, but they actually collected 108! These cans of soup will be placed in the Blessing Box in Pinckneyville for any families in need.
What a Blessing!
"What's your 80?"
Trinity Hoffman's Women's Fellowship/LWML set a goal for 80 cans to donate to the Matthew 25 Food Pantry in Carlyle. It was amazing to see that they received over 800 items! What a great way to share with those who are struggling!
"What's your 80?"
In thanksgiving for 80 years of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, over 100 members of St. John’s congregation
in Red Bud, over the age of 80, were mailed a note of encouragement to reflect God’s love.
We value this group of parishioners for their support, prayers, and wisdom.
"What's your 80?"
St. John Lutheran in Granite City compiled 80 bags of school supplies. Most of the bags went to the Community Care Center in Granite City.
Another “What’s Your 80’ project is complete, and once again, the members of St. John Lutheran in Chester came through. During August, the 8th month, we asked you to donate your empty pill bottles so we could send them to Matthew 25: Ministries.
Matthew 25: Ministries accepts donations of empty plastic bottles for inclusion in shipments of medical supplies and for shredding and recycling. Their pill bottle program fulfills the dual needs of improving medical care in developing countries and caring for the environment.
Although we lost count of the number of pill bottles, we know that one of the boxes could hold approximately 100 bottles. All of the boxes were that size or larger. We filled and mailed eight boxes to Matthew 25: Ministries. We feel fairly confident that we sent over 800 bottles.
Thank you St. John for your help and your prayers. Because of you we are able to help the poorest of the poor disaster victims throughout the United States and the world through Matthew 25: Ministries.
"What's your 80?"
The Holy Cross, Renault LWML along with Sunday school students and others in the congregation recently collected 103 household items and children's toys and over $100
to give to Humanitri, a St. Louis organization that equips homeless families with critical tools and life skills that
empower them to rewrite
their future. Humanitri is a Recognized Service
Organization of the LCMS.
"What's your 80?"
Jeanne Stamm from Trinity Lutheran, Prairie (Red Bud) was busy making pot scratchers and wash clothes for her "80's" project. She brought them to the Convention Mite Market with proceeds going towards our Mission Goals.
Some of the members of Trinity who were at the Convention
showing off their "80's" project.
"What's your 80?"
The ladies from Trinity Lutheran Sow & Grow (LWML), Prairie (Red Bud) , decided to make "80" jars of jellies and relishes for another one of their '*80's" project. They ended up making well over 100 jars. They brought the jars to the LWML Convention Mite Market and what was left over they will set up their own little market at their Church on LWML Sunday with proceeds to go towards their school roof project.
"What's your 80?"
The Women’s Service Guild of St. John Lutheran in Granite City invited members of the congregation to fill 80 bags (which were provided)
with school supplies for the children of the local community. Thrivent Action Team funds provided help also, and many children of the community began the school year with new, needed items.
"What’s Your 80?"
In addition to sending Birthday Cards to members of their
church who are 80+ years old, Columbia St. Paul's Lutheran
Ladies League/LWML delivered 800+ masks to Unity
Lutheran School in East St. Louis.
They also prepared 80 Personal Care Kits to be sent to Lutheran
World Relief along with 80+ Quilts they hope to have made by
the drop off date.
This is in honor of LWML's 80th Anniversary—WHAT’S YOUR 80?
"What's Your 80?"
Photo above: The LWML ladies from Emmanuel Lutheran in Percy, IL along with their congregation collected and delivered over 1600 (80 X 20) diapers to Sparta Pregnancy
Care Center in Sparta, IL. Pictured left to right: Delma Rubach, Mary Reith,
Donna Janneke, Nancy Higley and Shirley Reith
Photo to the left: They also celebrated the "LWML's 80" along with 2 members,
Delma Rubach and Nancy Higley (left to right), who have also achieved their "80"!
A special cake and a time for fellowship was held after the worship service.
"What's your 80?"
Ruth Ann Arbeiter from Christ Lutheran, Jacob, IL completed her own "80's" project. She made 8 lap throws, 8 afgan size blankets, and 8 twin size blankets. She delivered and donated them all to the Lutheran Home in Cape Girardeau, MO.
"What's Your 80?"
Members fron Trinity Lutheran Sow & Grow, Prairie (Red Bud) decided on their "80" project when they found out the need for "flood buckets". In cooperation with the LCMS Disaster Response Program, the Southern Illinois District's Lutheran Early Alert Team (LERT) provides help and asistance to those who are in need following a disaster. These buckets, which are filled with cleaning supplies along with some literature, will be taken to disaster areas in Southern Illinois.
Each bucket would cost around $30 to fill. Trinity's ladies decided to take on the challenge. They involved the whole congregation and asked for donations. They also received money through a Thrivent Action Team. They not only had enough to fill 80 buckets they were able to fill 94 buckets!
After purchasing all the supplies and packing all the buckets, they were taken to Lutheran Early Response Center in Murphysboro. Along with the buckets, Trinity members also assembled and donated 50 quilts.
Helping with the assembling of the buckets were: Seated Marilyn Liefer, Janice Cowell, Lois Eckert, Mary Hamilton, Loiri Woods, Charlene Woods and Jane Lucht. In back Heather and Pastor Scott Hojnacki, Luann Nurnberger, Denise Heller and Margie Buch.
94 five-gallon Flood Buckets!
"What's your 80?"
Trinity Lutheran Hoyleton LWML chose to observe the 80 years
by participating in the annual Hofbraufest run/walk, held on July 9th.
They chose to award the 80 th finisher in the race. Leah Kleiboeker
of rural Hoyleton is excited to receive a certificate and Cardinal
baseball tickets as the 80th place finisher. From left,
LWML representative Aggie Boehning, Leah, run organizers
Connie Holle, and Deb Holle share the excitement.
As one of the sponsors, they provided tote bags that held several donated items and a brochure telling of their organization.
LWML is symbolized by the color purple, and they were happy
to see the purple T-shirts given to all the participants.
The Hoyleton Lutheran LWML donates money to support missions around the country and world. They purchase and assemble
school kits and personal care kits sent to needy areas.
In addition, they often serve locally by serving funeral lunches, collecting food pantry items, supporting seminary students,
and work at the New Minden Braille center.
As the congregation’s mission statement explains,
the LWML members are compelled by the Grace of God
to serve in the name of Jesus.
"What's your 80?" - Wine Hill St Paul's LWML group finished 80 cards to be sold at the Mite Market
Megan Busacker from Hope Lutheran Church, Highland, IL.
did her own personal "What's your 80?".
On July 17, 2022, her and her family, Rev. Scott Busacker, Max,
Claire and Blake held their 6th annual lemonade stand and
lemon bake sale after church. Each year, they select a different organization to receive the free will donations that they request.
In honor of LWML’s 80th anniversary, they chose LWML to receive the donations this year. She wrapped 80 baked items for
the bake sale, and every item was taken, with a grand total of
$805 being collected. This will be sent to LWML soon!
Thank you Megan and family!
"What's Your 80?"
Hope Lutheran Church, Dorcas/LWML collected personal hygiene items for the local food pantry.
With their congregation's help, they were able to send 111 items to the local food pantry.
"What's your 80?"
The Ladies Aid & Dorcas from Christ Lutheran, Jacob decided to celebrate the 80 years by collecting 80 cans of fruit for the Ava Food Pantry.
They asked the congregation to help in the project. Not only did they collect 80, they collected 96 cans!
With the cans, they spelled the letters LWML, and with the extra cans they added a cross after the letters LWML.
"What's your 80?"
St. John, Chester has finished another 'What's Your 80'
project, the marking of 80 Bibles for jail and prison
Members of the congregation, including LWML members, were given the opportunity to either take Bibles home or join others at the church office to mark key passages in the New Testament. Forty New Testaments in English and 40 complete Bibles in Spanish were marked. The marking began with a label on the inside cover page that read, "God has a plan for you." The instructions then lead the marker/reader to Scripture citations in the New Testament.
During the pandemic the SID Prison Ministry Task Force was unable to visit jails and prisons because of COVID
restrictions. Those restrictions have now been lifted.
According to Jon Hohgrefe with the Task Force, the delivery of these Bibles has come at the right time. Prison Ministry Task Force members are now able to go into the jails and prisons in southern Illinois to share the news of God's love and salvation. The Spanish Bibles are especially needed at Pulaski County Detention Center in Ullin where detainees from Immigration and Customs Enforcement are housed. Within the past month Jon had been contacted for Bibles in Spanish to be distributed there, and had to say he had none to share. He said they will be very happy to know Bibles will be headed their way soon.
More projects are being planned for the upcoming months at St. John, Chester. In the meantime, "What's Your 80?"
"What's your 80?"
Margie Buch, from Trinity, Prairie, decided on her own 80 project. When her place of employment was closing, she decided to buy "80" greeting cards, along with one of their displays, and put them in her Church addition. There are sympathy, get well, thinking of you, congratulation and other cards. She encourages members to send a card to the people on the prayer list to let them know you are thinking and praying for them. There is no charge for the cards but the mite box is there with a note saying a free will donation will be used to fund our mission projects.
What's Your 80?"
The ladies from Trinity Sow and Grow, Prairie (Red Bud) in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the LWML have challenged their group, along with the whole congregation, to help them fill "80" Disaster Response Buckets. Each of these buckets cost about $30 to fill. They have received a Thrivent grant to help in this project. If anyone else would like to assist or have questions about this project, please contact Kathy Nagel at
When a disaster strikes. lives are turned upside down. Responding to hurting people is a vital part of who we are as members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. In cooperation with the LCMS Disaster Response Ministry, the Southern Illinois District's Lutheran Early Alert Team (LERT) responds to and assist these people in need. These buckets of cleaning supplies are given to those families in our district who have been affected by some type of disaster.
For more information about the LCMS Disaster Response and becoming a LERT Volunteer, please visit:
In Thanksgiving for 80 years of LWML each member, group, zone and/or district was encouraged to reflect God's love
by blessing others through 80 gifts, items and/or acts of kindness.
Over the years the members of St. John's Lutheran's LWML. Chester, have tacked quilts during the months of January and February. These quilts were then transported to Camp Wartburg, combined with quilts from other congregations and forwarded to countries where they were sorely needed.
This year the 'tackers' decided they would work to the end of March or until they finished 80 quilts. Could they finish their task and reach their goal?
Yes, with the Lord's blessing, they could!! In fact, not only did they finish before the end of March, but they went over their goal and made 88 quilts!
These quilts are now packed and ready to be delivered to Camp Wartburg. Thanks be to God!
They not only finished this project, now the next project will be the marking and giving of 80 (40 English, 40 Spanish) Bibles to the prison ministry!
St. John's ladies displaying one of their 88 quilts. Left to Right: Shirley McCormick, Mardell Granger, Rosemary Oetting, Carla Draves, Shirley Roth and Edna Neislein.
Recently the ladies from St. Paul Lutheran, Wine Hill (Steeleville) assembled lap throws that
are being sent to Lutheran
World Relief.
The LWML from Zion, Belleville filled 80 dozen Resurrection Eggs with items to tell the Holy Week and Easter message. In the Eggs
were items like a palm branch, a crown of thorns, a goblet, a stone and a paper cross( cut from old greeting cards). These were
given to the Lutheran School, the Sunday School, and to a public after school program.
The Ladies League from St. Paul's Lutheran in Columbia Illinois are celebrating LWML's anniversary by sending birthday cards to all the members in their congregation celebrating 80 years or older. What a great way to commemorate the LWML 80th anniversary. They are
also planning something for later this year. Please let us know "What's your 80" by sending in your photos or stories to to be posted here for everyone to see. Let's all get involved and praise God for all the blessings received in these past 80 years!