"Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!" Psalms 100:2
Fall Retreat at Lake Carlyle., September 30, 2023
"Peace for My Soul - Now and Forever"
"On Eagle's Wings
The Southern Illinois District held their Spring Rally in Carbondale, Saturday, March 4 with 67 in attendance. It was hosted by Our Savior Lutheran Church and Lutheran Student Center. Pastor Jay Holden and Pastor Peter Weeks opened with our morning worship service. Following the service, we had three informative breakout sessions based on our Bible passage for the day, Psalm 91;1-12. “Renew Their Strength” led by Pastor Bob Gray and Em Beckman, “Run & Not be Weary” led by Robin Burke and “Walk and not Faint” by Bridget Rice. After these sessions, President Carol Walther, Lucy Thompson and Deb Albers spoke to us about all they learned at the LWML Assembly of Leaders Conference they had attended last fall. They provided us with a strategic plan on how to hold successful planning sessions. 1. Start with Prayer, 2. Share the Topic, 3. Set Expectations, 4. Seek Participation from Everyone, 5. Take Notes, 6. Reach decision. Mary Gray wrapped up our day with a closing devotion called “The Storms of Life”. She was assisted by Lindsey Greenfield, who will be our YWR at the Milwaukee Convention and Lynne Weeks, wife or Pastor Peter Weeks of Our Savior. The ingathering, which netted $1,175.00, went to Mites. It was a great day with all our sisters in Christ.
SID Spring Rally "On Eagles Wings"
The beginning worship service with Pastor Holden and Pastor Weeks
"Run and Not be Weary" presented by Robin Burke
"Renew Your Strength" by Pastor Gray and Em Beckman
"Walk and Not Faint" by Bridget Rice
Carol Walther, Lucey Thompson and Deb Albers updates from AOL Assembly they attended.
The Central Illinois and Southern Illinois Districts held a Joint Retreat October 7 & 8, 2022 at Camp CILCA near Springfield, Illinois. Over 80 women attended the two day event. The theme was "God's Quilt of Comfort: Wrapping Up in the Psalms". The Bible Study was led and written by Diane Grebing from the SID. There were five Bible Study Sessions, entitled, "Layered, Pieced, Beautifully Descriptive, Useful and Tied". We studied the Psalms and compared God's comforting Word to the comfort we receive from a special quilt. We then did Faith Journaling after each session by making a quilt square illustrating thoughts and words of scripture that we had just studied.
A beautiful purple quilt was made and raffled, along with several other items. The proceeds netted $1021.86 and will go to Mite Projects.
It was an inspirational retreat at a beautiful facility with our sisters in Christ. Thank you to the Cental Illinois District for hosting!
Group picture in front of the 80 pillows!
Pastor Steve Jacobsen, Pastoral Counselor of the SID led us in opening devotion on Saturday morning.
Diane J. Grebing , Bible Study Leader and Author
Diane with her "Grandma Minnie's quilt" made for her when she was a small child
CID President, Laura Strattman leading us in prayer.
Praise Time led by organist Karen Dickhut
"What's Your 80?" Everyone attending was asked to bring a pillow for the In-
gathering for Camp CILCA. Over 80 pillows were collected!
Closing prayer led by Pastoral Counselor Rev. Gaylord Spilker
A beautiful quilt was raffled, with proceeds going toward Mite Projects
Display of some of the quilt blocks made with words and thoughts from the Bible passages we studied.
The SID LWML held their Spring Rally at Good Shepherd, Collinsville.. The theme for the day was "Speak the Truth in Love".
Renee Gibbs and Carol Walter
Pastor Steve Jacobson leading us in worship
Carol Walther & YWR's - Host of the SID Spring Rally
Renee Gibbs, Inspirational Speaker
Diane Grebing, SID President & Renee Gibbs
Time for Fellowship
SID LWML Spring Rally, Good Shepherd, Collinsville, "Speak the Truth in Love"