National LWML Convention

Attention 1st Time Attendees to the National Convention:

Our District has been gifted with funds to assist someone to attend the 2025 National Convention in Omaha

June 26 to June 29th.

The form to apply is available here and must be sent to by February 12th:

1st time Attendee Funds Application

40th LWML Biennial Convention Highlights

More than 3500 women and men, representing 49 states or districts,  attended the 40th Biennial Convention in Milwaukee.  We gathered for worship services, business meetings, bible studies, and we heard from Mission  grant recipients   There were servant events, info gatherings, mission impact luncheons, golf tournament, blood drive, mission walk, and a whole exhibit hall full of informational booths and exhibits, along with shopping at Concordia Publishing & the LWML Store.

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    Around 3500 women and men attended the worship services, the business meetings, special meetings, bible studies,  and entertainment 

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Friday morning began with the LWML Flag Processional.  Carol Walther, SID President and LIndsey Greenfield, SID YWR,

carried our flag entitled "Jesus, Name Above all Names". 

Saturday morning, was the  Mission Flag Processional.  These flags represented the 83 countries that have received grants over the past 80 years. In those 80 years, our mite offerings supported approximately 460 mission grants for a total of

$28.9 million dollars!  Carol was honored to represent the USA!  On the stage were representatives of some of those countries.

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Gifts From the Heart - Participants came to the convention bringing their gifts to share God's blessings with others  M.O.S.T. Ministries collected eye glasses, Orphan Grain Train collected blankets and hygiene kits, Phil's Friends collected hats, socks, cards, puzzles and books, A Place of Refuge collected gift cards. 

Members from the SID attended the Lutheran Braille Workers Wine & Dine in the Dark event.  We heard testimony and stories from several blind people and they thanked the LWML who made it possible to receive braille & large print bibles and literature. 

It was a challenge to "wine & dine in the dark".

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Deb Larson concludes her 4 years as LWML President. 

The newly elected President for the upcoming 4 years is Eden Keefe from Kansas.

YWR's  enjoying the convention

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"Friday Fest!"  Ladies from the SID enjoyed this fun filled evening.  There were photo ops, bingo, trivia, karaoke,

ladder ball, chair volleyball, carnival games with lots of candy and prizes and much more! 

There was also the siting of the "Fonz" while in Milwaukee.

For more pictures go to Facebook #lwmlsid2023 or #lwmlconvention2023

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At the last LWML SID Board meeting it was voted on to be a Putting Green Sponsor of the 7th Biennial Tee Up 4 Mites Charity Golf Outing in association with the 40th Biennial Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Convention In Milwaukee.

Please join us on for updates and information about the upcoming convention and golf outing.  See you in Milwaukee!

Registration for the 2023 LWML Convention can now be done at  Registrations are online only. You are encouraged to read through the Convention Insert in the current issue of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly or at

On the, Convention Central webpage, you will find current convention information including convention date, convention theme, convention registration, convention FAQ, convention polo shirt order form, convention hotel links, convention mission walk information, convention Gifts from the Heart info, convention offering recipients, convention news, convention resources, convention forms, convention ballot information, convention Tee Up 4 Mites information, convention blood drive information, convention tour information, publicity for convention, and more.

Register now!  Hope to see you all in Milwaukee!

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Lexington, Kentucky

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) welcomed 2,787 people to the LWML Convention in Lexington, Kentucky, June 24–27, 2021, under the theme "Running the Race … Looking to Jesus.” The convention theme was based on Hebrews 12:1–2. The voting body adopted a $2,150,000 mission goal for the 2021–2023 biennium. This goal, by the grace of God, will fund 28 mission grants as women and men respond in prayer and mites (offerings) during the next two years. The following grants were chosen:

  1. Deaconess Ministry Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch — Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, $ 81,680
  2. Healing the Invisible Wounds of War through Horses — Spirit Warrior, Central Maine, $95,000
  3. Thirst to Learn: Bible Books for Africa's Children — Lutheran Heritage Foundation, $100,000
  4. Making the Next Generation of Disciples for Life — LCMS Life Ministry, $92,000
  5. Helping Hands for Lutheran Deaf Outreach — Lutheran Deaf Outreach, $50,000
  6. Hope of Christ for Cancer Patients — Phil's Friends, $70,000
  7. Training Pastors to Serve the Church in Russia — Lutheran Theological Seminary, Novosibirsk, Siberia, $100,000
  8. Light of Christ in Eastern Europe — Mission Central, $56,000
  9. Propelling the Gospel — LAMP Ministry, Inc., $65,000
  10. Educating Pastors in Africa — Mission Central, $100,000
  11. Redeeming Life Maternity Home, Illinois Expansion — Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, $100,000
  12. Mercy Medical Care for Tanzania — Mwadui Lutheran School and Community, $68,182
  13. Gospel Outreach to Women and Children in Mongolia — Lutheran Hour Ministries, $100,000
  14. Caring for and Sharing Christ with Hurting People — Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, $100,000
  15. The Littlest and Least of These — St. Paul Lutheran Church and Christian Academy, Dallas, Texas, $42,000
  16. Bring the Inner-City Children to Camp — Lutheran Valley Retreat, Colorado, $25,000
  17. Spiritual and Physical Food for Children of Peru — La Mision Luterana del Peru, $56,750
  18. “Ends of Earth” Scholarships — Mission Opportunities Short Term (MOST) Ministries, $50,000
  19. Sharing Jesus' Love in India — Lutheran Braille Workers, $100,000
  20. Mission & Outreach to the Least of These — Victory Lutheran Church, K. I. Sawyer Community, $51,356
  21. Mercy House Belize Lutheran Campus — Belize Mission Society, $100,000
  22. Ministry Vehicle Fund, Ethiopia, and Sierra Leone — Lutheran Bible Translators, $70,000
  23. Showing God's Love in the International District, Albuquerque, New Mexico — God Cares About You Mission, $98,000
  24. Reaching the Homebound with God's Word — Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. (DBA Worship Anew), $100,000
  25. Missionaries to America Project — Mission Nation Publishing, $88,000
  26. Strengthening the Lutheran Mission to Kuna, Idaho — Friendship Celebration Lutheran Church, $100,000
  27. Expanding God’s Love in Uganda — LCMS Office of International Mission, Africa Regio, $92,000
  28. Christ-Centered Materials for Hmong Language School and Outreach — St. Paul Hmong Outreach Ministries, $70,208.

Voting Body Elects New Leaders 

On Saturday, June 26, 2021, the convention voting body elected these servant leaders: 

Vice President of Christian Life: Susan Brunkow, Kansas District 

Vice President of Communication: Kathy Pavelock, Eastern District 

Vice President of Gospel Outreach: Karen Morrison, Kansas District

Recording Secretary: Brenda Piester, Kansas District

Jr. Pastoral Counselor: Rev. Gary Piepkorn, Rocky Mountain District 

Nominating Committee: Kaye Wolff from the Michigan District, Chair, Lois Teinert from the Texas District, Janis McDaniels from the Carolinas District, Lisa Asmus from the South Dakota District, Melissa Salomón from the Pacific Southwest District, committee members

Offerings Received

(The following offering amounts were collected during the convention. Because additional offerings are still being received, these are unofficial totals and updates will be announced in a later LWML eNews.)

Convention Offering #1 — LWML Mission Goal 2021–2023: $43,494.15

Convention Offering #2 — King’s Community Outreach in Fort Wayne, Indiana: $27,434.02

Convention Offering #3 — Gifts for All God’s Children’s Connecting Kids to Christ Center, in Detroit, Michigan: $28,206.66

Convention Offering #4 — POBLO International Ministries in Clinton Township, Michigan: $27,079.61

Gifts from the Heart

Gifts from the Heart are donations of gift cards and specific items chosen by the LWML Convention Planning Committee. They come from LWML members and donors; totals include all online donations received to date: 

Assurance for Life Ministry: $1,252
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri: $1,870
Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Indiana: $1,495
MOST Ministries: $940, plus donations of used eyeglasses
Unspecified Gifts: $1,930

Mission Pledge Walk

A mission pledge walk was held to support the new $2,150,000 mission goal for the 2021–2023 biennium. Groups and individuals unable to attend the convention were encouraged to walk in their neighborhoods. In Lexington, nearly 1,100 individuals took part, walking from the convention center to Thoroughbred Park in a 1.5 mile loop. Contributions raised totaled $96,232.92.

Tee Up 4 Mites Golf Outing

The Sixth Biennial Tee Up 4 Mites Golf Outing was held on Wednesday, June 23, at the beautiful University Club of Kentucky. There were 69 golfers, comprising 18 teams, sponsored by the Lutheran Federal Credit Union. The funds raised totaled $30,710.00 in gross receipts.

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. 

Susan Donnelly
Public Relations Director

LWML Office
801 Seminary Place, Ste. L010
St. Louis, MO 63105

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    The  Rupp Arena stage and Jumbotron

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    In the home stretch and near the finish line, we're "Running the Race...Looking to Jesus"

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    Southern Illinois District delegates

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    Announcement of the Mission Grant goal for the 2021-2023 biennium

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    SID President Diane Grebing and YWR Grace Bergt proudly carrying the  SID banner during the opening procession

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    President Debbie  Larson conducting the meetings

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    Ladies from Trinity Red Bud assembling bracelets for MOST Ministries at the servant events

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    "Welcome to  39th Biennial convention!

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    Ladies from Trinity Lutheran Red Bud with the SID  banner  wearing their fancy hats at the Winner's Circle Celebration Friday night

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