"Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!" Psalms 100:2
PRESS RELEASE: September 14, 2024
The Southern Illinois District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League holds Convention
A total of 171 men and women attended the 42nd Biennial Convention of the Southern Illinois District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. It was held September 13 and 14 at Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School in Centralia, IL. The theme for the event was “The World at Jesus’ Feet, A world of Mission and Mercy” based on 1 Corinthians 15:58, "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
The Convention began Friday evening, with approximately 75 in attendance. A Bible study was led by Pastor Jess Biermann based on our convention theme of 1 Corinthians 15. Following was a Prayer Walk hosted by the Young Women Representatives (YWR) from the Southern Illinois District.
Saturday morning, the guests were greeted with coffee, juice, and breakfast goodies. The convention began at 8:30 a.m. with Divine Service with Holy Communion. Rev. Jess Biermann and Rev. Steve Jacobsen, LWML SID Counselors, along with Rev. Timothy Sharr, our LCMS SID President officiated at the service. The candidates for the district Pastoral Counselors, Rev. Nate Wollenberg, and Rev. Mark Harriss also assisted with Holy communion.
Following the service, Carol Walther, our SID President, called the business meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked the Upper Kaskaskia Zone and the Metro South Zone for hosting the convention. Carol then welcomed the convention co-chairmen, Sharon Guebert and Natalie Ibendahl. Carol then introduced our special guest, President Timothy Sharr, who brought greetings from the district. Past presidents and the current LWML SID Board members were then introduced.
Marie Voges, the registration chairman, then gave the registration report. There were 80 voting delegates, and 91 guest in attendance for a total of 171 participants.
Helen Mayer presented the agenda. Deb Albers gave the minutes review report and approved the minutes from our 41st Biennial Convention held Sept 16-17, 2022.
Deb Albers, VP of Gospel Outreach presented Resolution #1 which set our mission goal at $84,000 for the 2024-2026 biennium. A total of 28 mission projects were selected by the Gospel Outreach committee, which were presented to the delegates. Delegates of the convention voted by mail prior to the Convention, the top 18 were selected and the results are attached.
Guest speakers included Karol Selle, our National LWML VP of Special Focus Ministries and Carol von Soosten, with LWML Gifts of Love program.
The afternoon session began with Helen Mayer leading us in singing “Listen, God is Calling”. Then we heard from three Mercy Mission speakers, Rev. Jay Holden with Our Savior Lutheran Campus Ministry in Carbondale, Cindy Spenner with Trinity Lutheran School, Hoffman, and Amanda Douglas with Eve’s Restoration Home out of Columbia.
The following are the new officers that were elected and installed:
Pastoral Counselor: Rev. Nathan Wollenberg
VP of Christian Life: Debra Albers
VP of Communications Lucy Thompson
VP of Gospel Outreach Kathy Nagel
Recording Secretary Helen Mayer
The ingathering for the event was for Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School. The amount collected was 702 pens, 1059 pencils, 92 colored pencils, 338 markers, 37 reams of paper, 14 pks of filler paper, 101 boxes of Kleenex, and several miscellaneous items. Monetary donations collected amounted to $1080. Also, a mite market was held, where members brought items to sell, and the proceeds went toward the mite goal for mission grants. The total proceeds from the Mite Market were $2,401.83. The worship service offering totaled $3,182.50, which will also go to support our new mission grants for 2024-2026.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is the official auxiliary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
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Installation of newly elected officers:
Debra Albers VP of Christian Life
Lucy Thompson VP of Communications
Kathy Nagel VP of Gospel Outreach
Helen Mayer Recording Secretary
Rev. Nathan Wollenberg Pastoral Counselor
Photos from the Friday and Saturday events:
Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School welcomes the LWML SID
Comfort Dogs from Holy Cross, Collinsville welcoming guest to Christ our Rock Lutheran High School for the LWML SID Convention
Rev. Jess Biermann led the Friday evening Bible Study
Our prayer Hymn during our Prayer Walk
Writing an encouraging note to our church leaders and praying for them during our Prayer Walk
During our Prayer Walk, we wrote a personal prayer on a heart
Registering for the convention
Registration table
Pastors leading our Divine Service with Holy Communion
Congregation singing "Listen, God is Calling"
Congregation singing "Listen, God is Calling"
Denise Hennig, accompanist for the worship service
LWML SID President Carol Walther
Convention co-chairmen Sharon Guebert and Natalie Ibendahl
LCMS SID President, Rev. Timothy Sharr
Karol Selle, National LWML VP of Special Focus Ministries
Carol von Soosten, speaking on the LWML Gifts of Love Program
Rev. Jay Holden from Our Savior Lutheran Campus Ministry in Carbondale
Cindy Spenner from Trinity Lutheran School, Hoffman
Amanda Douglas with Eve's Restoration Home from Columbia
SID Past Presidents, Helen Mayer, Diane Grebing, Peggy Sachtleben, Ruth Ann Arbeiter
President Carol Walther and co-chairman Sharon Guebert
Esther and Jordan, the LCC K9 Comfort Dog Ministry from Holy Cross Lutheran in Collinsville
Vendor exhibitors
Vendor exhibitors
Carol von Soosten visting the vendor tables
Ladies brought homemade things to sell and the proceeds went to our mite projects
Beautiful wooden crosses and plaques for sale
Jelly's, relishes and other homemade items for sale in the Mite Market
So many items at the Mite Market!
Having fun shopping!
Lots of goodies in the mite market
...even live plants!
The proceeds from our mite market netted $2,401.83!
SID District President, Rev. Timothy Sharr and SID LWML President, Carol Walther
Karol Selle, National VP of Special Focus Ministries and Pat Hoffmeier holding the book, Life After...A Devotion for Widows , that Karol authored
Deb Albers and Lucy thompson
Pastoral Counselor candiates, Rev. Mark Harriss and Rev. Nathan Wollenberg
Our youngest and cutest attendee!
Carol Small, VP of Organizational Resources , Beth and Tobias Micnheimer, three generations attending the convention
PRESS RELEASE September 20, 2022
The Southern Illinois District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League holds Convention September 16 and 17, 2022
A total of 218 men and women attended the 41st Biennial Convention of the Southern Illinois District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. It was held September 16 and 17th at Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School in Evansville, IL. The theme for the event was “Walking With Jesus” based on Luke 24:15(NIV) “As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them
The Convention began Friday evening, with a Bible Study and a prayer walk hosted by the Young Women Representatives (YWR) from the Southern Illinois District. 86 women enjoyed the evening of fellowship.
Saturday morning, the guests were greeted with coffee, juice and breakfast goodies. The convention began at 8:30 a.m. with a Worship Service with Holy Communion. Rev. Stephen Krenz and Rev. Steven Jacobsen, SID Counselors, officiated at the service.
Following the service, Diane Grebing, the SID President, called the business meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She was then pleased to introduce three special guests, Rev. Timothy J. Scharr, SID LCMS President, Shelley Moeller from the CID and is serving as the Convention Manager for the National LWML Convention in Milwaukee and Deb Larson, our National LWML President.
Delegates of the convention voted by mail prior to the Convention for the 2022-2024 Southern Illinois District Mission Grants. The total mite goal was set at $67,000.00. A total of 14 recipients were selected out of 31 applicants. The following are the grant proposals that were selected for the 2022-2024 biennium:
1. Belong to Jesus Scholarship: Helping Hands in Need-Unity East St Louis $6,000.00
2. Camp Wartburg “Shepherding Sheep” Camp for people with disabilities $5,000.00
3. Seminary Student Scholarship – Southern Illinois District $8,000.00
4. Lutheran Braille Centers in our Southern Illinois District (4 Centers) $8,000.00
5. Orphan Grain Train Domestic Disaster Relief $4,000.00
6. Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School Financial Aid Assistance $4,000.00
7. Shared Prison & Jail Ministry with Southern Illinois District 11 Facilities $6,000.00
8. American & International Campus Ministry, SIU Carbondale $4,000.00
9. Lutheran Campus Ministry, Edwardsville, LCMS-U@SIUE $3,500.00
10. Holy Cross Lutheran Church LLC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry $5,000.00
11. Student Assistance Fund Scholarships – SID $4,000.00
12. Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School, Centralia. Rev. Mueller Mentor Grant $4,000.00
13. Hope for the Hopeless – LCMS Life Ministry $5,000.00
14. LCMS Missionary Support, Mission Central Mapleton, Iowa (partial funding) $ 500.00
Following was the voting for the election of new officers. The results of the election are as follows:
Pastoral Counselor: Rev. Jesse Biermann
President: Carol Walther
VP of Organizational Resources: Carol Small
VP Special Focus Ministries: Mary Gray
Corresponding Secretary: Norma Tucker
Financial Secretary: Carol Oldinski
Guest Speaker, Deb Larson, LWML National President brought greetings from the National LWML. We are HIS. Held by His Word, Inspired to share HIS message, and Surrounded by HIS grace! She thanked each and every one of us for sharing our time and talents. President Larson reported we have given a total of $130 million to our Mission Grants which includes both National and District grants. For the 2021-2023 biennium, we will plan to fund 28 National grants for a total of $2.15 million! This year is LWML’s 80th anniversary, and she encouraged us to pass on our blessings with “80 something”. Our 40th Biennial National Convention will be held June 22-25, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and invited us all to attend.
The familiar hymn “Let us ever walk with Jesus” was the bases of the afternoon session. Presentations were made by past grant recipients Comfort Dogs Ministry, New Minden Braille Center, SID Prison Ministry, Camp Wartburg, Unity Lutheran from East St Louis and the Seminary Scholarships on how these grants were a blessing to them. Also, there was a presentation from Heart to Heart Sisters, Gifts of Love and the new On-line giving program. A skit was performed reminding everyone about the upcoming National Convention in Milwaukee June 22 – 25, 2023.
The ingathering for the event were paper products for Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School. The amount collected was 114 rolls of paper towels, 50 packs of napkins, 39 packs of paper plates, 35 reams of paper and 8 assorted paper supplies. Also, a Mite Market was held, where members brought items that were made and sold, and the proceeds are for Mite projects. The total proceeds from the Mite Market was $2,631.00. The worship offering totaled $4,966.00 and this went to support our new mission grants for 2022-2024.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is the official auxiliary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. This year, the LWML is celebrating 80 years of God’s Grace. In thanksgiving of God’s blessing for 80 years, each member was encouraged to do “80” of something to pass on their blessings to others. Go to the website www.sidlwml.org to see some of the creative ideas these ladies came up with.
The Southern Illinois District of the LWML opened their 41st Biennial Convention on Friday, September 16, 2022 at Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School in Evansville, IL
Rev. Steve Jacobsen held a Bible Study
Young Women Representatives hosted the Friday night program
After the Bible Study we had a Prayer Walk.
Saturday began with registration, shopping at the Mite Market and visiting the many vendor tables.
Registration table
Many items were brought for the Mite Market.
Ladies from Trinity, Prairie made 80 jars of jellies and relishes to sell at the Mite Market
shopping at the Mite Market
Jeanne Stamm from Trinity, Prairie made "80" pot scratchers for her "80's "project
More shopping
A total of 15 vendors were set up
The prosessional for the morning Worship Service
After the Worship Service, the business meeting began
New Paragraph
The business meeting began in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
SID LWML President, Diane Grebing
National LWML President, Debbie Larson
Deb showing us pictures of her home and family in Colorado
Southern Illinois District President, Timothy Sharr
Presentation from National LWML to out going President, Diane Grebing
"Walking with Jesus" into the Mission Fields - Recipients of our grants for the last biennium shared their stories.
Kevin Williams from Unity Lutheran School
Rev. Jeff Nehrt from SID Prison Ministry
Installation of Officers
The newly elected officers formed a circle and the current Board of Directors encircled them. Then after they were installed the out going officers stepped out of the circle and the new officers joined the rest as the New Board of Directors of the Southern Illinois District.
Time for fellowship and making lasting memories
Collection of paper products for the ingathering for Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School.
Young Women Representatives having fun with Carol Walther and Debbbie Larson
Debbie Larson with past president Dorothy Mansholt. Dorothy served as president of the SID from 1974-1978
Past presidents Jane Lucht and Dorothy Mansholt with LWML National President Debbie Larson, Jane served as SID President from 1978 -1982. She also was newsletter editor for the past 31 years. Thank you Jane!
Deb Wudtke and Sharon Guebert, Co-Chairmen of the Convention
Newly elected President, Carol Walther, National President Debbie Larson, and out going President Diane Grebing
Young Women Representatives enjoying the convention
Past LWML Presidents - In back:
Helen Mayer, Ruth Ann Arbeiter, Mary Gray, Jane Lucht. In front, Dorothy Mansholt and Peggy Sachtleben
Esther enjoying some attention
Pastor and Diane Grebing speaking with Kevin Williams from Unity Lutheran School in East St. Louis.
Helen Mayer and Debbie Larson excited to show off their shirts for the National Convention coming up next June.
Planning Ahead....
The 40th Biennial LWML National Convention will be held June 22-25, 2023 at the Wisconsin Center, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The 42nd Biennial LWML SID Convention will be held Sept 13 and 14, 2024 at Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School in Centralia. Illinois
Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer
Former President of Concordia Seminary
St. Louis, Mo.
Erin Mackenzie
Dominican Republic
LCMS Campus Outreach Program
Bessie Fick
SIU Edwardsville
LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry
Mary Burch
Top Dog