"Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!" Psalms 100:2
Greater Egypt Zone:
Metro Central Zone: Spring Zone Rally is April 5, 2025, 8:30-12:30 pm at Hope Lutheran Church in Highland. Theme: "Restored with Blessing" Eve's Restoration Homes Mission with speaker Amanda Douglas. Registration by March 28th to Phyllis Jarabak. Ingathering will be cash donations to support the ministry & further the Gospel.
Metro North Zone:
Metro South Zone: Spring Prayer Service is March 22, 2025, 8:30-noon at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Columbia. Speaker will be Matt Bierman-Coordinator for Southern Illinois District Disaster Response and Lutheran Early Response Team. Register by March 15th for planning purposes to Jane Stumpf at stumje1@gmail.com or call 314-852-8776. In Gathering options 1) Monetary for new trailer and portable female bathroom. 2)Comforts of Love/Quilts. 3) Filled flood buckets (flyer link below with Event Flyer.)
Mid-State Zone:
Lower Kaskaskia Zone: Spring Renewal is April 24, 2025 at St John Lutheran Church, Baldwin. Registration is 8:30 - 9:00. Theme "Comforting Love" featuring speaker Angie Filipiac.
Upper Kaskaskia Zone: Zone Prayer Service and Spring Event will be held Saturday, April 26, 2025 at Trinity, Centralia.
The Lower Kaskaskia Zone held their Spring Renewal April 25 at St. Paul's Lutheran in Wine Hill/Steeleville with 48 in attendance. The theme for the day was Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me a willing spirit Psalms 51:12. We were greeted by Barb Misselhorn from St. Paul's. The morning Matins was lead by Pastor Mark Sedwick and Pastor Mark Harris. We then enjoyed refreshments. Following was the guest speaker, Amanda Douglas with Eve's Restoration Home. The purpose of her mission is to provide a residential wellness center to assist mothers who are seeking reunification with their children who are in foster care. Following the speaker, Zone President Sharon Guebert, opened the business meeting. New officers that were elected were Barb Misselhorn as President and Sharon Langrehr as Vice President.
Lower Kaskaskia Zone Fellowship held November 2 at Trinity Lutheran, Red Bud (Prairie)
Lower Kaskaskia Zone President,
Sharon Guebert, speaking at the Fall Fellowship
Diane Grebing giving her report from the National Convention
The morning began with a worship service led by Rev Mark Harriss.
Betty Fehr and Sharon Guebert
Charlene Woods performing her LWML skit
The theme was "Reaching In" based on Mathew 25:36-37. Quest speaker was Dr. Rev. Jeffery Nehrt with Southern Illinois Prison Ministry
Saturday morning April 15, LWML members from the Metro South Zone met at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Freeburg for their Spring Gathering. Pastor Karl Gregory, from Messiah in Lebanon, conducted the service with Christine Keseman the organist .
Linda Wittbrach, from The Orphan Grain Train in St. Louis, was the guest speaker for the service. She explained that all the articles donated are compacted tightly into mailing boxes so that nothing becomes damaged before they arrive in the country they are sent to.
In the picture above, you can see the result of assembling 80 school kits for the children which were taken to the Orphan Grain Train facility Tuesday, April 25.
The Upper Kaskaskia Zone LWML met on October 29, 2022 at Immanuel Lutheran School in Okawville to gather around the Word of the Lord, sing songs, and hear from the Wee Care Director, the Principal of Immanuel, and the Southern Illinois District President, Carol Walther. There were around 25 in attendance. The theme for the day came from 1 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Pastor Nate Wollenburg from Trinity, Hoyleton, Pastoral Counselor, had a Bible Study on that topic. During the business meeting, the zone elected President, Loana Rincker, to be the zone delegate to the Milwaukee convention, with Norma Tucker as the alternate.
Hostesses, from Okawville, Emily W. and Adeline B. paused for a quick photo while adding the prayer page to their cards for COR staff and students.
Cards made for Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School Students and Staff
Natalie I. is making her prayer cards while Gerri T. looks on. Both ladies attended the Upper Kaskaskia Zone Fall Workshop from New Minden.
After she spoke about the Lutheran School at Okawville, Principal Kassebaum also made cards for Christ Our Rock.
Cheryl B. from Centralia is holding a few of the prayer cards the Zone made for their “What’s Your 80 project?”
Michele H., Vice President of the Upper Kaskaskia Zone stayed busy with her list of cards to design.
Dawn M. from New Minden has a few of the cards she had made for COR students in front of her.
The Lower Kaskaskia Zone held there Fall Fellowship at St. John's Lutheran in Red Bud. on Thursday, November 3, 2022, with 55 people in attendence. The theme was "Make Disciples" based on Matt 29: 19-20. Rev. Mark Harriss led the Matins Service. Guest speakers were
Rev. Dr. Tim and Lisa Beckendorf with Lutheran Bible Translators Missionaries in Botswana. In the business meeting a change to the
zone bylaws was approved and Diane Grebing was elected to serve as delegate to the National Convention in June, 2023.
Lower Kaskaskia Zone President, Sharon Guebert
President Sharon Guebert and Lisa Beckendorf displaying cards she made
The morning began with a Matins Service led by Pastor Mark Harriss
Rev. Tim Beckendorf with Lutheran Bible Translators sharing the Missionary work they are doing in Botswana, Africa
Prayer request to support their Missionary work
Andrew Beckendorf, showing the knives he has made by hand and selling them.
The Metro Central Zone held their Fall Event on October1, 2022. For their in-gathering they held a workshop and tied fleece blankets.
These blankets were donated to Phil's Friends.
The Upper Kaskaskia Zone held their Spring Rally and Prayer service on April 30 at Trinity, Hoyleton. 28 were present. The ladies are
standing around the ingathering items brought for the Mother's Day gift bags for Humanitri.
The Lower Kaskaskia Zone Spring Renewal was held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Renault, IL. on Thursday, April 28, 2022. The theme was "Spring into the Bible" based on Deuteronomy 32:2. It was a wonderful spring day set in beautiful surroundings. God’s message was delivered by Rev. Mark Harriss, our pastoral counselor. Special guest, Dr. Gillian Bond, Director of Deaconess Studies at Concordia Seminary, was so interesting, everyone left wanting to know more. As the morning closed guest ‘Shellean Hogsbottom’ made a surprise visit.
Metro Central Zone: held their Prayer Service & Spring Rally, April 2, 2022 at Trinity, Edwardsville. The speaker was Julie Tracey with Equipping the Called, Foster & Crisis Closet of Maryville, IL..
The Lower Kaskaskia Zone held their LWML Fall Fellowship at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in New Athens, IL on Thursday, October 28, 2021. The theme was "Life Light". Pator Harriss and Pastor Buettner opened with a Matins Service. Zone president, Sharon Guebert led the program and welcomed all the attendees. Kathy Nagel, Zone delegate to the Lexington Convention, gave a report of the convention. Presentations were made by Sandra Ruhmann from the Baldwin Sight Center and Mary Stallman from the Chester Braille Center. The ingathering was to support these Lutheran Braille Worker sights in our Zone. SID President, Diane Grebing led us in the Bible Study. Coffee and refreshments were served, compliments of St . Paul's LWML.
Zone President, Sharon Guebert
SID President, Diane Grebing
Patoral Cunselor, Rev. Mark Harriss from St. Mark Lutheran Church in Steeleville
The Upper Kaskaskia Zone met Saturday, October 16, 2021 for the Fall Workshop at Trinity, Centralia. There were 24 in attendance. The theme verse for the day was John 20:29. Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Marilyn Stevenson, director at the New Minden Braille Center #315 gave a presentation on the work done at the Center. She is shown here in a picture holding the Book of Deuteronomy from the Bible. She is also shown in the next picture with the Zone President, Norma Tucker , from Hoyleton. 14 of them volunteer their time at the center each month, helping to make the materials for the vision impaired. These materials are sent to those who are blind free of charge.
The Metro Central Zone Fall Workshop was held October 2 at Hope Lutheran Church in Highland. The theme was "Comfort in God's Word".
Guest speaker was Carol Small and her daughter Beth, along with their comfort dog, Esther. Esther belongs and is cared for by Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Collinsville. He was trained and received from Lutheran Church Charities.
The Lower Kaskaskia Zone held their Spring Renewal at Trinity, Red Bud. April 8. After the Matins service, president Sharon Guebert welcomed everyone, SID President Diane Grebing reported on District and National news. Myrna Campbell led a bible study. Election and installation of new officers were held.
Guest speakers were Curt and Linda Wittbracht from Orphan Grain Train. Orphan Grain Train, one of our Mite recipients, has volunteers in 27 locations across the US with the facility in St Louis serving our area. They collect food, clothing, relief supplies, blankets, toys etc for people in need around the world. Relief supplies are shipped from US warehouses to 69 countries. Then distributed to orphanages, schools, churches and hospitals. Domestically, natural disaster victims have received relief supplies also.
To make a monetary donation, please send to Orphan Grain Train, PO Box 1466, Norfolk, NE 68702-1466. or if you want it go to the Missouri/Illinois location send checks to Orphan Grain Train, P,O, Box 29346, St. Louis, MO 63126. If you want to contact the St. Louis location to donate supplies, please call 314-842-1982
The Metro North Zone LWML had their prayer service on Saturday, March 13, at St Peter in Prairietown.